Jumat, 11 Januari 2008

Dolphin Teraphy in Melka Hotel

I am very happy, coz I can seen show dolphinterapy in Melka Hotel Lovina Buleleng Regency Bali, January, 10 2008.
Buleleng regency around 3 hour from Denpasar. In this first time I seen that. It fanastic for me.
Owner Melka hotel said, dolphinterapy so good for Feeling of the joy, Luck feelings, Emotional change, Easier acceptance of new situations, Opening for more communication, Improvement of the quality of life, Stabilization of the immune system.
If peace, harmony swim with dolphins create joy, and if the immune system strengthens, consciousness improves, increases same control and attention. Likewise it promotes self-confidence and sympathy.

To swim and play each morning the Bali dolphin therapy participant to the pool led and encouraged with the dolphins 30 minutes. The Bali dolphin therapy participant is in constant close contact with the dolphins: stroke, embrace, schmusen and mad in the water, excite 30 minutes long the full attention of the Bali dolphin therapy of participant - while the dolphin sings and the Bali dolphin therapy participant permanently to swim and play stimulates and it even on its fin by the water pulls. One “load-carrying” relationship really develops between dolphin and Bali dolphin therapy participant.
A feeling of the peace and the harmony dominates during this entire therapy meeting in the water - among no us admitted to circumstances can ever an equivalent harmony with a therapy be achieved.

Oh.. so sweet, jack I miss you
Some day I will cameback see you again.

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