My Mom is the best in my life.
at times, we were like sisters
Together, we have managed all of teribble situtions.
She is so nice, loving, lshevefull, and very kind.
She also wonderful and strong women for me. As my dad pass way, she became breadwinner with sell cakes and cloths. She also educated my brother and me with affection, lovefull and attentive.
My mom spirit give me power to continuting my life. As I am sad, or bad mood, my mom advised me, challenger is common in life, and I must survive and facing temptation life.
"Life must go on," she said.
Oh mom, I love you so much.
If she got problem, she never angry, nervous or stress.
She always tough, patient, and searching way out good problemsolves.
No matter what happen, I don't know, I would do without her.
Mom, you always is the best in my life.
6 komentar:
Oh, so sweet my dear
Tampaknya kamu sangat mencintai ibu kamu
Jangan sedih dong. So, semangat ya
coba komentar ya
kamu sangat menyayangi ibu kamu yach
benar tuh sorga di telapak kaki ibu lo....
salam kenal dewi
salut deh
maju tak gentar,
he...he... ada yang salah tuch ejaannya, jangan ngelamun dong nulsinya.
apalagi belajar bhs inggris yach....he..he... rajin berlatih ya biar cepet pinter
U have a great mom,
U must proud of him.Always remember that shes always give us free love and full time attention to us.
I love my Mom.
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